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Funtastic Phonics Level 3 – Long Vowel Sounds + Vowel Teams

小朋友自k1開始便報讀English FUNdation,起初他因不明白英文而不

   In level 3, students will start to learn a lot of different CVCe words and diphthong sounds. The transition from short vowel words to long vowel words can be a tricky one for many children.

   CVCe words are words that contain a consonant, vowel, consonant and then the letter e. These words can be extremely tricky because the “e” is actually silent, and the vowel between the two consonants becomes a long vowel.

   Diphthongs are the combination of two different vowel sounds that come together to create a distinct, new sound. Some common diphthongs include oi, oo and ow. Through this program, children will be able to blend, read and spell different words easily and confidently.

  Our Class Routine:

-       In the first 5 minutes, we greet the students and start the lesson with a revision of all the previous sounds and words.

-       From the 5th to 30th minute: During circle time, the children will focus on learning new sounds and practice reading with phonics and different activities.

-       From the 30th to 55th minute: Our booklets will help students practice their reading, blending and spelling skills.

-       From the 55th to 75th minute: It’s time for more fun activities and revision. Our teachers will reward our students by giving them smiley faces and stickers according to their performance at the end of their lessons.

Fun, Interactive Activities:

-       Tic-tac-toe,

-       Hangman,

-       Hammer game,

-       Flashcards,

-       Reading Practice.


Main Features of the Course:

-        Learning the difference between long and short vowels,

-        Learning different CVCe words and diphthong sounds,

-       Reading and spelling,

-       Learning through games and activities.

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