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Fun To Chat – Chat Room


   Kids learn languages by using them, not only by studying them. Being grammatically correct is surely of paramount importance, but at the end of the day, being able to express oneself is the reason why we learn a language.

   Many local children are brilliant in terms of their reading and writing skills when compared to children from other non-native, English-speaking countries. Local parents and schools focus too much on academic English and the practical speaking skills needed for everyday life is often neglected.

   Many children find spoken English difficult and have no confidence in speaking up. While we all understand how much children benefit from more verbal English practice, it is unrealistic to expect most local parents to naturally converse with their children in a foreign language.

Fun To Learn's play-based speaking program provides your child with the chance to communicate with our native English teachers while learning through fun activities such as debates, presentations, group discussions and engaging games which they'll absolutely love. 

Want to know more details about our methodology? Just read below.

    Learning how to develop English speaking skills is crucial for ESL learners.
Through our Fun To Chat – Chat Room course, students will be able to learn how to communicate their ideas effectively and they will learn to speak and express themselves confidently in English as well.

    Students will improve and work on the five elements of speaking skills: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, intonation and fluency. During our speaking lessons, our teachers keep students fully engaged in the conversation or discussion on a particular topic. We set up different engaging games and activities to make our lessons more fun and interactive for them.


Main Features of the course:

-        Listening,

-        Speaking confidently,

-        Expressing oneself effectively and accurately,

-        Vocabulary

-        Grammar,

-        Pronunciation,

-        Intonation,

-        Fluency,

-        Participating in group discussions.

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